Friday, November 12, 2010

Spires Deadline Approaches: Monday, 11/15

Hi, lovelies. I want to make a habit of posting publication opportunities on TiMPH, so our readers can get a head start on making a name for themselves in the print world. I'm envisioning a super-convenient, consolidated resource for poets, centered in the Washington University and St. Louis communities.

(Also in my heart of hearts I secretly dream that the Slamily will fill up all Washington University publications, taking the literary world by storm with our raw brilliance!)

The one that's most recently come to my attention is Spires, Wash U's Intercollegiate Literary/Arts Magazine.

From the Facebook event:
"Young artists, poets, fictionists, interlocutors, and scribblers, the time has come again to PUBLISH your fiction, poetry, and prose in Washington University's Intercollegiate Literary and Arts Magazine.

Ask yourself: what am I going to do with all this sweet short fiction, poetry, and art, that I have been writing/creating, over the last year? Forget about it? Forget about it! Instead, send it to us. We'll look it over, scrutinize it until our eyes bleed, and see if there's a place for it in this semester's magazine.

Please SUBMIT your stuff to by the deadline, November 15th.

Email us with any questions! ANY questions!"

Got that, poetasters? Send your work to Spires! I know you have it, Inklings folk. No excuses. Chop chop.

If you're ever interested in getting feedback on your writing prior to submitting it, stop by WUrkshop. We meet from 8:00-10:00pm every other Thursday to work specifically on writing craft - any kind of writing craft. Short stories, poems, plays, what have you. Yesterday we had an artist's statement, so you see. The next meeting will be after Thanksgiving break on December 2nd.

If you hear about publication opportunities, let us know at so we can toss 'em up on the blog.

> Submit to Spires! Facebook event
> Spires Intercollegiate Literary/Arts Magazine Facebook page

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